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Declaration and Code of Conduct

All volunteers are required to complete a Declaration Form for MSF and a Code of Conduct form for Glyph Community.

Declaration Form for Ministry of Social and Family Development

Boon Lay
Do you have any criminal record in Singapore or overseas?
Have you ever been, or are you currently under investigation by the Police or any other law enforcement agency in Singapore or overseas?
Have you been involved in any court proceedings within Singapore or any other court of law outside of Singapore?
Have you had any disciplinary proceedings initiated against you by any organisation or professional bodies?
Have you been declared financially embarrassed or a bankrupt within the last 10 years?
Do you have any substance dependence issues (i.e., dependence on alcohol, drugs, etc., excluding prescriptions by medical professional)?

I understand that the above information (“my Personal Information”) will be provided to the Government of Singapore, as represented by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (“Government” or “MSF”), for the purpose of assessing my suitability to run, manage, provide services or volunteer for the Programme (as specified under Part I).


I allow the Government to collect, share and use my Personal Information for the purposes in Paragraph 1.


I declare that the information provided in this form is true and correct and I furnish the information knowing that I may be liable to criminal prosecution if I have stated any information which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.

Glyph Community Ltd Volunteers Code of Conduct

Glyph Community Ltd (“the Charity”) welcomes compassionate volunteers who join us in bringing direct relief and happiness to our beneficiaries, physically and/or verbally. For the best interests of our beneficiaries, we request our volunteers to please observe the following code of conduct.

General Dos and Don’ts for Volunteers

A. Dos

A1 General Conduct

  1. Understand the mission and core values of the Charity, and comply with all policies and procedures established by the Charity.

  2. Adhere to the stipulated day(s) and time of the voluntary service. 

  3. Inform the Charity in advance if unable to turn up for the voluntary service. 

  4. Be responsible for your personal belongings.

  5. Take proper care of the Charity’s property and equipment.

A2 Interactions with Staff and Beneficiaries 

  1. Uphold truth, honesty and integrity at all times, serving as good role models for the beneficiaries. 

  2. Speak and act in a respectful manner towards the Charity’s staff, beneficiaries and one another.

  3. Set boundaries with beneficiaries who are overly friendly or try to seek special attention. Behave appropriately even if the beneficiaries exhibit inappropriate behaviours. Inform and seek advice from staff whenever necessary.

  4. Be objective and fair in dealings with the beneficiaries, and refrain from taking sides or practising favouritism of any kind.

  5. Discuss and share with the Charity any difficulties and problems encountered in the course of the voluntary service, and if a beneficiary or a fellow volunteer on shared volunteering duty suffers an injury.

  6. Inform and seek permission from the Charity before buying any gifts for the beneficiaries.

A3 Interactions with Staff and Beneficiaries 

  1. Uphold truth, honesty and integrity at all times, serving as good role models for the beneficiaries.

  2. Speak and act in a respectful manner towards the Charity’s staff, beneficiaries and one another.

  3. Set boundaries with beneficiaries who are overly friendly or try to seek special attention. Behave appropriately even if the beneficiaries exhibit inappropriate behaviours. Inform and seek advice from staff whenever necessary.

  4. Be objective and fair in dealings with the beneficiaries, and refrain from taking sides or practising favouritism of any kind.

  5. Discuss and share with the Charity any difficulties and problems encountered in the course of the voluntary service, and if a beneficiary or a fellow volunteer on shared volunteering duty suffers an injury.

  6. Inform and seek permission from the Charity before buying any gifts for the beneficiaries.

A4 Privacy and Confidentiality

  1. Respect the privacy and dignity of beneficiaries.

  2. Respect and maintain the confidentiality of all personal and/or financial information, including pictures and videos, shared by the beneficiaries, or obtained in the course of working with the staff or beneficiaries. Do not use, collect or disclose such information without the permission of the Charity.

  3. Report to the Charity if any beneficiary reveals information that is of threat to self or others.

  4. Be mindful of the extent to which one can extend help to the beneficiaries. Do not be overly involved in the private matters of the beneficiaries; for instance, do not interfere in family affairs or try to make decisions in place of the beneficiaries or the Charity.

  5. Respect and maintain the confidentiality of all research data from Glyph Community Ltd:

  6. Keep all research information confidential by not discussing or sharing the information in any form or format with anyone other than the research officers and/or relevant staff.

  7. Do not make copies of data in any form or format unless specifically requested to do so

  8. Keep all raw data that contain identifying information in any form or format secure when they are in your possession. Please:

  9. Work on data within the centre only. Do not bring any files or information home.

  10. Keep all digitalised raw data in computer password-protected files and other raw data in locked files.

  11. Close any computer programmes and documents containing such data when away from the computer temporarily

  12. Use closed headphones if transcribing recordings or interviews

  13. Return all data to the research officers or relevant staff when you have completed the research tasks.

B. Donts

B1 General Conduct

  1. Use or possess alcohol, or any toxic substances while with the beneficiaries or within the premises of the Charity. Strictly no smoking allowed during the duration of the volunteer activity.

  2. Bring any prohibited items into the premises of the Charity or to the beneficiaries.

  3. Bring friends and unauthorised persons into the premises of the Charity without the Charity’s approval.

  4. Represent the Charity or its beneficiaries in any way.

  5. Provide the beneficiaries with food items that have not been approved by the Charity.

  6. Dress in a manner that can be seen as offensive or sexually provocative, or may cause misunderstanding in any way, while with the beneficiaries.

B2 Interactions with Staff and Beneficiaries 

  1. Use profanities and words that are offensive or discriminatory.

  2. Under no circumstances should the beneficiaries be punished or abused in any way, either verbally, emotionally or physically. Disciplinary issues should be reported to the Charity.

  3. Accept any gifts of commercial value from the beneficiaries or their families.

  4. Offer help or make any commitments on behalf of the Charity without first seeking and receiving the Charity's approval.

  5. Have inappropriate physical or sexual contact with the beneficiaries, even if it is consensual. There should be no involvement in intimate personal care of the beneficiaries, such as assistance with dressing undergarments, bathing, or toileting.

  6. Make contact with the beneficiaries after completion of voluntary service or bring them out on outings without Charity’s permission. Volunteers should not give out their personal contact information without first obtaining consent from staff.

  7. Make contact with the beneficiaries’ families or caregivers without Charity’s permission.

  8. Add or accept requests from beneficiaries on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

  9. Use mobile devices to engage beneficiaries during the voluntary service or lend them the use of such devices.

  10. Use the relationship with the beneficiaries to promote personal values and beliefs.

  11. Give any gift directly to beneficiaries below the age of 16, even for the purpose of motivating them. All gifts should be declared to the Charity's staff and assessed to be appropriate.

B3 Privacy and Confidentiality

  1. Share personal information about oneself that may impact the emotional, psychological or moral development of the beneficiaries (e.g. talking about own personal problems).

  2. Take photographs of the beneficiaries or divulge any information about the beneficiaries to the media and/or on social media unless prior consent has been obtained from the Charity.

Please read and agree with the following statements before signing 

  • I agree to abide by the Charity’s mission and core values.

  • I fully understand and agree to the code of conduct listed above, which has been explained to me by the Charity’s staff.

  • I understand that the Charity will take all reasonable steps to provide care and safety for its volunteers and would therefore not take any legal actions and/or claims against the Charity, its staff and beneficiaries in respect of any injury, loss, damage or harm arising from my participation in the Charity’s activities.

  • I agree and consent to the Charity, as well as its representatives and agents, collecting, using, disclosing and sharing amongst themselves my personal data provided as well as in the records of the Charity from time to time, and disclosing such personal data to the Charity’s authorised service providers, and relevant third parties for purposes reasonably required by the Charity to administer, manage and terminate my volunteer relationship with the Charity. 

  • I will abide by these agreements for as long as I render my voluntary services to the Charity.

  • The Charity reserves the right to terminate my services if I fail to comply with the above or when deemed necessary.

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